Discover Peter Lynch’s simple rule for successful investing. Learn how to capitalize on market misperceptions by buying undervalued stocks.
Value Investment
Market Anomalies for Profitable Value Investments
Unlock the secrets of value investing and market anomalies. Know how investors leverage and unearth opportunities and outperform the market.
Asset-Based Valuation: The Road Less Traveled in Value Investing
One intriguing niche within value investing is the evaluation of asset-based companies—those with substantial tangible assets like real estate, infrastructure, and natural resources. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of value investing in asset-based companies, exploring strategies, methods, and considerations. Understanding Asset-Based Valuation What is Asset-Based Valuation? Asset-based valuation centers around assessing a company’s worth based on its assets’ […]
Behavioral Finance and How it Shapes Investment Decisions
Learn about common biases of behavioral finance that impact investment decisions and discover strategies to overcome them.
Investing in Family-Owned Businesses: Opportunities and Challenges
Family-Owned Businesses offer exciting investment opportunities. Discover how value investors can leverage their unique attributes
Natural Disasters: Opportunities for Value Investors
How value investors can capitalize on natural disasters. Understand investment opportunities in infrastructure, insurance, real estate, etc.
Shareholder Yield and Value Investing
The power of Shareholder Yield in value investing. Learn how dividends, stock buybacks, and debt reduction impact your investment portfolio.
Value Investing in the Cannabis Industry
Value investing in cannabis industry. Discover opportunities and risks, analyze market growth, and learn how to navigate this green frontier.
Biotech Industry: Long-Term Growth Opportunities
How value investors evaluating biotech industry companies and what is the long-term vision for investing in this dynamic industry.
Value Investing and Financial Modeling: A Comprehensive Guide
Understand importance of financial modeling in value investing! Know techniques for building models, like DCF and Capitalization of Earnings.